The Frog . Be kind and tender to the frog And do not call him names As ‘Slimy Skin’, or ‘Polly Wig’, Or likewise ‘Ugly James’ Or ‘Gap-a-grin’ or ‘Toad-gone-wrong’, Or ‘Billy Bandy-knees’: The Frog is justly sensitive To epithets like these. No animal will more repay A treatment kind and fair; At least so […]
Soccer I always have liked soccer. Such a rough game. Such skills required. And popular. Hometown watching, on Sunday morning. When one day, I found that I needed to withdraw. It was the honourable thing to do. Herbert Nehrlich Thursday 13th June 2019 (Ashbourne) Summer League Osmaston 8 Ricky Daly 18, 21, Bromley Simpson […]
The fans in the stand are silent You could hear the fall of a pin For the fabulous game just ended And the tale that’s about to begin. . From “The Goals of Billy Boot” by Allan Ahlberg (1937 – ) Saturday 3rd December 2016 Ryman Isthmian League Division 1 North Brightlingsea Regent 3 […]
The End Not every man knows what he shall sing at the end, Watching the pier as the ship sails away, or what it will seem like When he’s held by the sea’s roar, motionless, there at the end, Or what he shall hope for once it is clear that he’ll never go back. ______________ […]
Pippa’s Song The year’s at the spring, And day’s at the morn, Morning’s at seven The hill-side’s dew pearl’d, The lark’s on the wing, The snail’s on the thorn, God’s in his heaven – All’s right with the world! Robert Browning (1812-1889) . . . Thursday 2nd January 2014 Baker-Joiner Midland Football Alliance k.o.:- 7.45pm […]